How do you create an audio narration with children of their own flashbacks from the time of Covid-19?
For 9 weeks I - together with stage director Isabelle Reynaud and 40 children from the 1st year at Møllevang School in Aarhus - worked with corona memories in sound and narration.
The project is supported by the Statens Kunstfond and Teaterhuset Filuren and Møllevang School.
Key persons
The children from year 1 at Møllevang School were asked to select a key person from their time with lockdown.
Someone they had played with, been close to, been cared for or missed.
To subsequently compose a melody - with the help of Lego blocks - just for these key people.
“..when we were not alive there were other diseases…. plague"
Corona memories
Through conversation, we gained an insight into the child's experience of a time with the spread of infection and protective equipment.
Not everyone gets Corona, but those who do must sleep in the living room and you must remember not to eat from the same plate.
There was also once a disease called plague.
Key persons
The children from year 1 at Møllevang School were asked to select a key person from their time with lockdown.
Someone they had played with, been close to, been cared for or missed.
To subsequently compose a melody - with the help of Lego blocks - just for these key people.